Teacher Resources



welcome/ home page



Quick Structure (unit- lab - optional - practice)


Navigation Bar (NavBar)

Parts in a Lab


Snap! functionality directly on this site


Vocabulary Blocks


Self-Check Forms, how to get in


Self-Check Forms, the feedback loop

While familiar, each page from each lab has its own set of slides and space to work using either a full deck (for dual-screen or flipping between tabs) or our parsed system (with the embedded Snap! options next to the chunked slide deck pieces).

Tips for Introducing to Students:

Options for students to use Snap! include using a direct link in a separate tab or with the embedded iframe on the lab page.

  • Regardless of which option the student selects, students will often begin working without logging in but this can be especially problematic with this chunked model.

  • Remind students to open the existing files- which will prompt them to log in.

Self-check questions are in a Google Form format, point out the branching question- emphasize the title. get it wrong, the opportunity to try again.

Take if Further/If there is time- just like in the bjc page you're used to, these have been brought over. however, we have them separated so you can use at will but it doesn't confuse students or appear mandatory for all participants. feel free to assign as you traditionally have, you're the expert of your classroom

Coming Soon- DART

Accessing your page

Retrieve your student data

formative vs. summative - self checks= completion grades . teacher dashboard for comparing by question to check for patterns in wrong answers

Future Roadmap

  • Units 5-7 will be published next

  • Summative assessment will be available

  • New features and edits to the structure are based on teacher feedback, so reach out through your CTE director!