Unit 5 Lab 3

Turning Data Into Information

BJC Unit 5 Lab 3 Turning Data Into Information

Analyzing Global Health Data

In this section, you will learn how data visualization can help people understand data

Lab 3_Analyzing Global Health Data


Click each word to view the definition.


Data are the values that computers receive from various sources, including human activity, sensors, etc.

Information is the humanly-useful patterns extracted from data.

Data provide opportunities for identifying trends, making connections, and addressing problems. Information is the result of analyzing that data.


Data are the values that computers receive from various sources, including human activity, sensors, etc.

Information is the humanly-useful patterns extracted from data.

Data provide opportunities for identifying trends, making connections, and addressing problems. Information is the result of analyzing that data.


A correlation is a particular kind of information, namely a dependence between two variables in a situation. For example in the first picture here, as one variable goes up the other goes down. It's also a correlation when as one variable goes up or down the other changes in the same manner.


Insight is a meaningful conclusion drawn from analyzing information.

If There's Time

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Self-Check: Big Data

In this section, you will prepare for data questions on the AP exam.

Importing and Accessing Data

Computers can be useful in processing data to gain information, but your ability process data depends both on your capabilities and the tools you have available.

In this section, you will build various tools (specifically, selectors) to help you answer questions about data that interests you.

Lab 3_Importing and Accessing Data


Click each word to view the definition.


A record is one row in a dataset (other than the first row, which contains the column headings). A single record might be the data for one student in your school, the data for one earthquake that happened, the data for one hospital in the U.S, or the data for one contact in your contact list. In other words, a record is a horizontal slice of the dataset.


A field is one item of a record in a dataset. It might be one person's homeroom teacher, the magnitude of an earthquake in Los Angeles last week, the owner of one hospital in Chicago, or the phone number of one person in your contact list.


A column is a list containing the data from one field for all records in a dataset. A column might be the homeroom teacher for every student in your school, the magnitude of every earthquake in the dataset, the owner of every hospital in the U.S., or the phone number of every person in your contact list. In other words, a column is a vertical slice of the dataset.

Cleaning Data

Cleaning data is the process of making the data uniform without changing its meaning (such as replacing abbreviations, spellings, and capitalizations with the intended word or converting miles to kilometers). Programmers can use programs to filter and clean digital data, thereby gaining insight and knowledge.

Take It Further

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Analyzing Data

In this section, you will ask and answer more demanding questions about your dataset and learn new tools.

Lab 3_Analyzing Data

Visualizing Data

Tables, diagrams, text, charts, graphs, and other visual tools help extract, modify, and communicate information from data.

In this section, you will create a visualizations to help you analyze and communicate information from your dataset.

Lab 3_Visualizing Data


Click each word to view the definition.

Classifying Data

Classifying data is extracting groups of data with a common characteristic.


In this section, you will learn about metadata (data about data) and how they can be used.

Lab 3_Metadata


Click each word to view the definition.


Metadata are data about data. For example, the piece of data may be an image, while the metadata may include the date of creation or the file size of the image.

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